domingo, 15 de agosto de 2010


Using our creativity through the technology , we created this blog to show the evolution in our English class and our commitment to learn to develop each of the lessons found here. :)

sábado, 14 de agosto de 2010

Personal presentation !!!


My name is Vanessa Veronica Valencia. I'm from cali (colombia),  I'm a student of public accounting at the Universidad Javeriana "the best ever". I was born  on december 20th and have 23 years old.... I am happily married for 1 ½ years, my husband's name is Andres Gomez and I am very happy because it is a wonderful man. I work at national auto parts factory "FANALCA SA, company responsible for the assembly of Honda motorcycles in Colombia.
I am a very happy woman,  because God has given me great blessings !!!

miércoles, 11 de agosto de 2010

Unit 8 - Lesson A. Wishes

I wish I had more free time¡¡¡
I'm busy all day: 
In the morning go to work and when finished the afternoon I go to university, at 10:30 pm, I get home tired and I just want to go to sleep and so I can rest. On weekends, I must do many things very quickly. If I had free time would be great to travel and know countries, I want to rest at home with my husband, watching a good movie, eating popcorn and coke ... and we do not have to worry about other things.I wish I had more free time¡¡¡

domingo, 1 de agosto de 2010

Unit 11 - Leasson B - Reactions and opinions

Deer Editor.

 My impression is that, was very nice to me, seeing as there are young people who are concerned about motivating other youth to take proper lifestyle.I believe like Mr. Marcus is the middle school where young people make decisions that will define your own future and if anyone is interested in motivating them to make good decisions, likely to focus on a wrong path is very large.
I think it would be good that schools begin to motivate students and to create groups of young specialists in this field. It would be good for everyone. We can not forget that our youth are the future of society and it is important that we worry about educating them with principles, values, dreams; they have a clear vision and purposes for which to fight.

I think the work of Mr. Houston is wonderful. I hope many do the same.
